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1665 lines
149 KiB

3 months ago
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 41,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 41,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
3 months ago
"source": [
"import os\n",
"from tqdm import tqdm\n",
"from sys import getsizeof\n",
"from timeit import default_timer as timer\n",
"os.environ[\"OMP_NUM_THREADS\"] = \"1\" # export OMP_NUM_THREADS=4\n",
"os.environ[\"OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS\"] = \"1\" # export OPENBLAS_NUM_THREADS=4\n",
"os.environ[\"MKL_NUM_THREADS\"] = \"1\" # export MKL_NUM_THREADS=6\n",
"os.environ[\"VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS\"] = \"1\" # export VECLIB_MAXIMUM_THREADS=4\n",
"os.environ[\"NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS\"] = \"1\" # export NUMEXPR_NUM_THREADS=6\n",
3 months ago
"import numpy as np\n",
"import sisl\n",
"from src.grogu_magn.useful import *\n",
3 months ago
"from mpi4py import MPI\n",
"import pickle\n",
3 months ago
"from numpy.linalg import inv\n",
"import warnings\n",
"# runtime information\n",
"times = dict()\n",
"times[\"start_time\"] = timer()\n",
3 months ago
"# it works if data is in downloads folder\n",
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 42,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 500\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Setup done. Elapsed time: 5447.39860525 s\n",
3 months ago
"source": [
"# this cell mimicks an input file\n",
"fdf = sisl.get_sile(\n",
" \"/Users/danielpozsar/Downloads/nojij/Fe3GeTe2/monolayer/soc/lat3_791/Fe3GeTe2.fdf\"\n",
") # ./Jij_for_Marci_6p45ang/CrBr.fdf\n",
"outfile = \"test\"\n",
"if not outfile.endswith(\".pickle\"):\n",
" outfile += \".pickle\"\n",
3 months ago
"# this information needs to be given at the input!!\n",
"scf_xcf_orientation = np.array([0, 0, 1]) # z\n",
3 months ago
"# list of reference directions for around which we calculate the derivatives\n",
"# o is the quantization axis, v and w are two axes perpendicular to it\n",
"# at this moment the user has to supply o,v,w on the input.\n",
3 months ago
"# we can have some default for this\n",
"ref_xcf_orientations = [\n",
" dict(o=np.array([1, 0, 0]), vw=[np.array([0, 1, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]),\n",
" dict(o=np.array([0, 1, 0]), vw=[np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 0, 1])]),\n",
" dict(o=np.array([0, 0, 1]), vw=[np.array([1, 0, 0]), np.array([0, 1, 0])]),\n",
3 months ago
"# human readable definition of magnetic entities ./lat3_791/Fe3GeTe2.fdf\n",
"magnetic_entities = [\n",
" dict(atom=3, l=2),\n",
" dict(atom=4, l=2),\n",
" dict(atom=5, l=2),\n",
"# pair information ./lat3_791/Fe3GeTe2.fdf\n",
"pairs = [\n",
" # isotropic should be -82 meV\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=1, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
" # dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
"# human readable definition of magnetic entities ./Jij_for_Marci_6p45ang/CrBr.fdf\n",
"magnetic_entities = [\n",
" dict(atom=0, l=2),\n",
" dict(atom=1, l=2),\n",
" dict(atom=2, l=2),\n",
"# pair information ./Jij_for_Marci_6p45ang/CrBr.fdf\n",
"pairs = [\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=1, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([1, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([1, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([-1, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([-1, 0, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([0, 1, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 1, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=1, Ruc=np.array([0, 1, 0])),\n",
" dict(ai=0, aj=2, Ruc=np.array([0, 1, 0])),\n",
3 months ago
"# Brilloun zone sampling and Green function contour integral\n",
"kset = 1000\n",
"kdirs = \"x\"\n",
"ebot = -13\n",
"eset = 500\n",
"esetp = 10000\n",
3 months ago
"# MPI parameters\n",
"comm = MPI.COMM_WORLD\n",
"size = comm.Get_size()\n",
"rank = comm.Get_rank()\n",
"root_node = 0\n",
"simulation_parameters = dict(\n",
" path=\"Not yet specified.\",\n",
" outpath=outfile,\n",
" scf_xcf_orientation=scf_xcf_orientation,\n",
" ref_xcf_orientations=ref_xcf_orientations,\n",
" kset=kset,\n",
" kdirs=kdirs,\n",
" ebot=ebot,\n",
" eset=eset,\n",
" esetp=esetp,\n",
" parallel_size=size,\n",
"# digestion of the input\n",
"# read in hamiltonian\n",
"dh = fdf.read_hamiltonian()\n",
"simulation_parameters[\"cell\"] = fdf.read_geometry().cell\n",
"# unit cell index\n",
"uc_in_sc_idx = dh.lattice.sc_index([0, 0, 0])\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" print_parameters(simulation_parameters)\n",
" times[\"setup_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(f\"Setup done. Elapsed time: {times['setup_time']} s\")\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 43,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"xyz[-3:]: red, green, blue\n"
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"/Users/danielpozsar/Documents/oktatás/elte/phd/grogu_project/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part\n",
" return math.isfinite(val)\n",
"/Users/danielpozsar/Documents/oktatás/elte/phd/grogu_project/.venv/lib/python3.9/site-packages/matplotlib/ ComplexWarning: Casting complex values to real discards the imaginary part\n",
" return np.asarray(x, float)\n"
"data": {
"image/png": "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
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 1500x500 with 2 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"data": {
"image/png": "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
"text/plain": [
"<Figure size 1500x500 with 3 Axes>"
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "display_data"
"source": [
"import matplotlib.pyplot as plt\n",
"plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))\n",
"DOS = sisl.physics.electron.DOS(np.linspace(-15, 85, 50), dh.eig())\n",
"plt.plot(DOS, np.linspace(-15, 85, 50))\n",
"coords =[-3:]\n",
"plt.figure(figsize=(15, 5))\n",
"plt.scatter(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 2], color=[\"r\", \"g\", \"b\"])\n",
"plt.scatter(coords[:, 1], coords[:, 2], color=[\"r\", \"g\", \"b\"])\n",
"plt.scatter(coords[:, 0], coords[:, 1], color=[\"r\", \"g\", \"b\"])\n",
"print(\"xyz[-3:]: red, green, blue\")"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 44,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Hamiltonian and exchange field rotated. Elapsed time: 5448.302713666 s\n",
3 months ago
"source": [
"NO = # shorthand for number of orbitals in the unit cell\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
"# preprocessing Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements\n",
"h11 = dh.tocsr(dh.M11r)\n",
"h11 += dh.tocsr(dh.M11i) * 1.0j\n",
"h11 = h11.toarray().reshape(NO, dh.n_s, NO).transpose(0, 2, 1).astype(\"complex128\")\n",
3 months ago
"h22 = dh.tocsr(dh.M22r)\n",
"h22 += dh.tocsr(dh.M22i) * 1.0j\n",
"h22 = h22.toarray().reshape(NO, dh.n_s, NO).transpose(0, 2, 1).astype(\"complex128\")\n",
3 months ago
"h12 = dh.tocsr(dh.M12r)\n",
"h12 += dh.tocsr(dh.M12i) * 1.0j\n",
"h12 = h12.toarray().reshape(NO, dh.n_s, NO).transpose(0, 2, 1).astype(\"complex128\")\n",
3 months ago
"h21 = dh.tocsr(dh.M21r)\n",
"h21 += dh.tocsr(dh.M21i) * 1.0j\n",
"h21 = h21.toarray().reshape(NO, dh.n_s, NO).transpose(0, 2, 1).astype(\"complex128\")\n",
3 months ago
"sov = (\n",
" dh.tocsr(dh.S_idx)\n",
" .toarray()\n",
" .reshape(NO, dh.n_s, NO)\n",
" .transpose(0, 2, 1)\n",
" .astype(\"complex128\")\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
"# Reorganization of Hamiltonian and overlap matrix elements to SPIN BOX representation\n",
"U = np.vstack(\n",
" [np.kron(np.eye(NO, dtype=int), [1, 0]), np.kron(np.eye(NO, dtype=int), [0, 1])]\n",
3 months ago
"# This is the permutation that transforms ud1ud2 to u12d12\n",
"# That is this transforms FROM SPIN BOX to ORBITAL BOX => U\n",
"# the inverse transformation is U.T u12d12 to ud1ud2\n",
"# That is FROM ORBITAL BOX to SPIN BOX => U.T\n",
3 months ago
"# From now on everything is in SPIN BOX!!\n",
"hh, ss = np.array(\n",
" [\n",
" U.T @ np.block([[h11[:, :, i], h12[:, :, i]], [h21[:, :, i], h22[:, :, i]]]) @ U\n",
" for i in range(\n",
" ]\n",
"), np.array(\n",
" [\n",
" U.T\n",
" @ np.block([[sov[:, :, i], sov[:, :, i] * 0], [sov[:, :, i] * 0, sov[:, :, i]]])\n",
" @ U\n",
" for i in range(\n",
" ]\n",
"# symmetrizing Hamiltonian and overlap matrix to make them hermitian\n",
3 months ago
"for i in range(dh.lattice.sc_off.shape[0]):\n",
" j = dh.lattice.sc_index(-dh.lattice.sc_off[i])\n",
" h1, h1d = hh[i], hh[j]\n",
" hh[i], hh[j] = (h1 + h1d.T.conj()) / 2, (h1d + h1.T.conj()) / 2\n",
" s1, s1d = ss[i], ss[j]\n",
" ss[i], ss[j] = (s1 + s1d.T.conj()) / 2, (s1d + s1.T.conj()) / 2\n",
3 months ago
"# identifying TRS and TRB parts of the Hamiltonian\n",
"TAUY = np.kron(np.eye(NO), tau_y)\n",
"hTR = np.array([TAUY @ hh[i].conj() @ TAUY for i in range(])\n",
"hTRS = (hh + hTR) / 2\n",
"hTRB = (hh - hTR) / 2\n",
3 months ago
"# extracting the exchange field\n",
"traced = [spin_tracer(hTRB[i]) for i in range(] # equation 77\n",
"XCF = np.array(\n",
" [\n",
" np.array([f[\"x\"] for f in traced]),\n",
" np.array([f[\"y\"] for f in traced]),\n",
" np.array([f[\"z\"] for f in traced]),\n",
" ]\n",
") # equation 77\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
"# Check if exchange field has scalar part\n",
"max_xcfs = abs(np.array(np.array([f[\"c\"] for f in traced]))).max()\n",
"if max_xcfs > 1e-12:\n",
" warnings.warn(\n",
" f\"Exchange field has non negligible scalar part. Largest value is {max_xcfs}\"\n",
" )\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" times[\"H_and_XCF_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Hamiltonian and exchange field rotated. Elapsed time: {times['H_and_XCF_time']} s\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 45,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Site and pair dictionaries created. Elapsed time: 5448.330635 s\n",
3 months ago
"source": [
3 months ago
"# for every site we have to store 3 Greens function (and the associated _tmp-s) in the 3 reference directions\n",
"for i, mag_ent in enumerate(magnetic_entities):\n",
" parsed = parse_magnetic_entity(dh, **mag_ent) # parse orbital indexes\n",
" magnetic_entities[i][\"orbital_indeces\"] = parsed\n",
" # calculate spin box indexes\n",
" magnetic_entities[i][\"spin_box_indeces\"] = blow_up_orbindx(parsed)\n",
" # if orbital is not set use all\n",
" if \"l\" not in mag_ent.keys():\n",
" mag_ent[\"l\"] = \"all\"\n",
" if isinstance(mag_ent[\"atom\"], int):\n",
" mag_ent[\"tags\"] = [\n",
" f\"[{mag_ent['atom']}]{dh.atoms[mag_ent['atom']].tag}({mag_ent['l']})\"\n",
" ]\n",
" mag_ent[\"xyz\"] = [[mag_ent[\"atom\"]]]\n",
" if isinstance(mag_ent[\"atom\"], list):\n",
" mag_ent[\"tags\"] = []\n",
" mag_ent[\"xyz\"] = []\n",
" # iterate over atoms\n",
" for atom_idx in mag_ent[\"atom\"]:\n",
" mag_ent[\"tags\"].append(\n",
" f\"[{atom_idx}]{dh.atoms[atom_idx].tag}({mag_ent['l']})\"\n",
" )\n",
" mag_ent[\"xyz\"].append([atom_idx])\n",
" # calculate size for Greens function generation\n",
" spin_box_shape = len(mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"])\n",
" mag_ent[\"energies\"] = [] # we will store the second order energy derivations here\n",
" mag_ent[\"Gii\"] = [] # Greens function\n",
" mag_ent[\"Gii_tmp\"] = [] # Greens function for parallelization\n",
" # These will be the perturbed potentials from eq. 100\n",
" mag_ent[\"Vu1\"] = [list([]) for _ in range(len(ref_xcf_orientations))]\n",
" mag_ent[\"Vu2\"] = [list([]) for _ in range(len(ref_xcf_orientations))]\n",
3 months ago
" for i in ref_xcf_orientations:\n",
" # Greens functions for every quantization axis\n",
" mag_ent[\"Gii\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape, spin_box_shape), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
" mag_ent[\"Gii_tmp\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape, spin_box_shape), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
"# for every site we have to store 2x3 Greens function (and the associated _tmp-s)\n",
"# in the 3 reference directions, because G_ij and G_ji are both needed\n",
3 months ago
"for pair in pairs:\n",
" # calculate size for Greens function generation\n",
" spin_box_shape_i = len(magnetic_entities[pair[\"ai\"]][\"spin_box_indeces\"])\n",
" spin_box_shape_j = len(magnetic_entities[pair[\"aj\"]][\"spin_box_indeces\"])\n",
" pair[\"tags\"] = []\n",
" for mag_ent in [magnetic_entities[pair[\"ai\"]], magnetic_entities[pair[\"aj\"]]]:\n",
" tag = \"\"\n",
" # get atoms of magnetic entity\n",
" atoms_idx = mag_ent[\"atom\"]\n",
" orbitals = mag_ent[\"l\"]\n",
" # if magnetic entity contains one atoms\n",
" if isinstance(atoms_idx, int):\n",
" tag += f\"[{atoms_idx}]{dh.atoms[atoms_idx].tag}({orbitals})\"\n",
" # if magnetic entity contains more than one atoms\n",
" if isinstance(atoms_idx, list):\n",
" # iterate over atoms\n",
" atom_group = \"{\"\n",
" for atom_idx in atoms_idx:\n",
" atom_group += f\"[{atom_idx}]{dh.atoms[atom_idx].tag}({orbitals})--\"\n",
" # end {} of the atoms in the magnetic entity\n",
" tag += atom_group[:-2] + \"}\"\n",
" pair[\"tags\"].append(tag)\n",
" pair[\"energies\"] = [] # we will store the second order energy derivations here\n",
" pair[\"Gij\"] = [] # Greens function\n",
" pair[\"Gji\"] = []\n",
" pair[\"Gij_tmp\"] = [] # Greens function for parallelization\n",
" pair[\"Gji_tmp\"] = []\n",
" for i in ref_xcf_orientations:\n",
" # Greens functions for every quantization axis\n",
" pair[\"Gij\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape_i, spin_box_shape_j), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
" pair[\"Gij_tmp\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape_i, spin_box_shape_j), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
" pair[\"Gji\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape_j, spin_box_shape_i), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
" pair[\"Gji_tmp\"].append(\n",
" np.zeros((eset, spin_box_shape_j, spin_box_shape_i), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" )\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" times[\"site_and_pair_dictionaries_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Site and pair dictionaries created. Elapsed time: {times['site_and_pair_dictionaries_time']} s\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 46,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"k loop: 0%| | 0/1000 [00:00<?, ?it/s]"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"k set created. Elapsed time: 5448.339522166 s\n",
3 months ago
"source": [
"kset = make_kset(dirs=kdirs, NUMK=kset) # generate k space sampling\n",
"wkset = np.ones(len(kset)) / len(kset) # generate weights for k points\n",
"kpcs = np.array_split(kset, size) # split the k points based on MPI size\n",
"kpcs[root_node] = tqdm(kpcs[root_node], desc=\"k loop\")\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" times[\"k_set_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(f\"k set created. Elapsed time: {times['k_set_time']} s\")\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 47,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Rotations done perpendicular to quantization axis. Elapsed time: 5448.55170175 s\n",
3 months ago
"source": [
"# this will contain the three hamiltonians in the reference directions needed to calculate the energy variations upon rotation\n",
3 months ago
"hamiltonians = []\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
"# iterate over the reference directions (quantization axes)\n",
"for i, orient in enumerate(ref_xcf_orientations):\n",
" # obtain rotated exchange field\n",
" R = RotMa2b(scf_xcf_orientation, orient[\"o\"])\n",
" rot_XCF = np.einsum(\"ij,jklm->iklm\", R, XCF)\n",
" rot_H_XCF = sum(\n",
" [np.kron(rot_XCF[i], tau) for i, tau in enumerate([tau_x, tau_y, tau_z])]\n",
" )\n",
3 months ago
" rot_H_XCF_uc = rot_H_XCF[uc_in_sc_idx]\n",
3 months ago
" # obtain total Hamiltonian with the rotated exchange field\n",
" rot_H = (\n",
" hTRS + rot_H_XCF\n",
" ) # equation 76 #######################################################################################\n",
3 months ago
" hamiltonians.append(\n",
" dict(orient=orient[\"o\"], H=rot_H)\n",
" ) # store orientation and rotated Hamiltonian\n",
" # these are the rotations (for now) perpendicular to the quantization axis\n",
" for u in orient[\"vw\"]:\n",
" Tu = np.kron(np.eye(NO, dtype=int), tau_u(u)) # section 2.H\n",
3 months ago
" Vu1 = 1j / 2 * commutator(rot_H_XCF_uc, Tu) # equation 100\n",
" Vu2 = 1 / 8 * commutator(commutator(Tu, rot_H_XCF_uc), Tu) # equation 100\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
" for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:\n",
" # fill up the perturbed potentials (for now) based on the on-site projections\n",
" mag_ent[\"Vu1\"][i].append(\n",
" Vu1[:, mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"]][mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"], :]\n",
" )\n",
" mag_ent[\"Vu2\"][i].append(\n",
" Vu2[:, mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"]][mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"], :]\n",
" )\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" times[\"reference_rotations_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Rotations done perpendicular to quantization axis. Elapsed time: {times['reference_rotations_time']} s\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 48,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Starting matrix inversions\n",
"Total number of k points: 1000\n",
"Number of energy samples per k point: 500\n",
"Total number of directions: 3\n",
"Total number of matrix inversions: 1500000\n",
"The shape of the Hamiltonian and the Greens function is 84x84=7056\n",
"Memory taken by a single Hamiltonian is: 0.015625 KB\n",
"Expected memory usage per matrix inversion: 0.5 KB\n",
"Expected memory usage per k point for parallel inversion: 750.0 KB\n",
"Expected memory usage on root node: 732.421875 MB\n",
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"k loop: 100%|██████████| 1000/1000 [39:28<00:00, 2.37s/it]"
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Calculated Greens functions. Elapsed time: 7816.996438041 s\n",
"name": "stderr",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
3 months ago
"source": [
3 months ago
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" print(\"Starting matrix inversions\")\n",
" print(f\"Total number of k points: {kset.shape[0]}\")\n",
" print(f\"Number of energy samples per k point: {eset}\")\n",
" print(f\"Total number of directions: {len(hamiltonians)}\")\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Total number of matrix inversions: {kset.shape[0] * len(hamiltonians) * eset}\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(f\"The shape of the Hamiltonian and the Greens function is {NO}x{NO}={NO*NO}\")\n",
" #\n",
" # memory is O(64 n**2) for complex matrices\n",
" memory_size = getsizeof(hamiltonians[0][\"H\"].base) / 1024\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Memory taken by a single Hamiltonian is: {getsizeof(hamiltonians[0]['H'].base) / 1024} KB\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(f\"Expected memory usage per matrix inversion: {memory_size * 32} KB\")\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Expected memory usage per k point for parallel inversion: {memory_size * len(hamiltonians) * eset * 32} KB\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Expected memory usage on root node: {len(np.array_split(kset, size)[0]) * memory_size * len(hamiltonians) * eset * 32 / 1024} MB\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )\n",
3 months ago
"# ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
3 months ago
"# make energy contour\n",
3 months ago
"# we are working in eV now !\n",
"# and sisil shifts E_F to 0 !\n",
"cont = make_contour(emin=ebot, enum=eset, p=esetp)\n",
3 months ago
"eran = cont.ze\n",
"# ----------------------------------------------------------------------\n",
3 months ago
"# sampling the integrand on the contour and the BZ\n",
"for k in kpcs[rank]:\n",
" wk = wkset[rank] # weight of k point in BZ integral\n",
" # iterate over reference directions\n",
" for i, hamiltonian_orientation in enumerate(hamiltonians):\n",
" # calculate Greens function\n",
3 months ago
" H = hamiltonian_orientation[\"H\"]\n",
" HK, SK = hsk(H, ss, dh.sc_off, k)\n",
" # Gk = inv(SK * eran.reshape(eset, 1, 1) - HK)\n",
" # solve Greens function sequentially for the energies, because of memory bound\n",
" Gk = np.zeros(shape=(eset, HK.shape[0], HK.shape[1]), dtype=\"complex128\")\n",
" for j in range(eset):\n",
" Gk[j] = inv(SK * eran[j] - HK)\n",
3 months ago
" # store the Greens function slice of the magnetic entities (for now) based on the on-site projections\n",
" for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:\n",
" mag_ent[\"Gii_tmp\"][i] += (\n",
" Gk[:, mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"]][..., mag_ent[\"spin_box_indeces\"]]\n",
" * wk\n",
" )\n",
3 months ago
" for pair in pairs:\n",
" # add phase shift based on the cell difference\n",
" phase = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * k @ pair[\"Ruc\"].T)\n",
3 months ago
" # get the pair orbital sizes from the magnetic entities\n",
" ai = magnetic_entities[pair[\"ai\"]][\"spin_box_indeces\"]\n",
" aj = magnetic_entities[pair[\"aj\"]][\"spin_box_indeces\"]\n",
" # store the Greens function slice of the magnetic entities (for now) based on the on-site projections\n",
" pair[\"Gij_tmp\"][i] += Gk[:, ai][..., aj] * phase * wk\n",
" pair[\"Gji_tmp\"][i] += Gk[:, aj][..., ai] * phase * wk\n",
3 months ago
"# summ reduce partial results of mpi nodes\n",
"for i in range(len(hamiltonians)):\n",
" for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:\n",
" comm.Reduce(mag_ent[\"Gii_tmp\"][i], mag_ent[\"Gii\"][i], root=root_node)\n",
3 months ago
3 months ago
" for pair in pairs:\n",
" comm.Reduce(pair[\"Gij_tmp\"][i], pair[\"Gij\"][i], root=root_node)\n",
" comm.Reduce(pair[\"Gji_tmp\"][i], pair[\"Gji\"][i], root=root_node)\n",
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" times[\"green_function_inversion_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(\n",
" f\"Calculated Greens functions. Elapsed time: {times['green_function_inversion_time']} s\"\n",
" )\n",
" print(\n",
" \"================================================================================================================================================================\"\n",
" )"
3 months ago
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 49,
3 months ago
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 500\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.367092812942317\n",
"DMI: [-8.89792781e-01 4.16580540e+00 -3.59948517e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.56670448 1.17667365 0.33235705 4.15578143 -0.03089926]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02819042, -0.00085889, 0.00092069, -0.02597706],\n",
" [-0.03690207, -0.00415578, 0.00417583, -0.0339338 ],\n",
" [-0.03160427, -0.00033236, -0.00033235, -0.03122101]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.0339338 , -0.03160427, -0.02819042])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03393379729617979 -0.03122101431812066\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.98944973858333\n",
"DMI: [-6.82212886e+00 1.12891691e+01 5.77778279e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03411109 0.63716653 -0.16031601 10.67952816 -0.32649278]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07435228, -0.00649564, 0.00714862, -0.07459251],\n",
" [-0.07593353, -0.01067953, 0.01189881, -0.07602356],\n",
" [-0.0795701 , 0.00016089, 0.00015974, -0.07975458]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07602356, -0.0795701 , -0.07435228])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07602356083253432 -0.07975458355080561\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 2369.9501148750005 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.17246508400057792 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.904 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.028 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.009 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.212 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 2368.445 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.180 s\n"
3 months ago
"source": [
"if rank == root_node:\n",
" # iterate over the magnetic entities\n",
" for tracker, mag_ent in enumerate(magnetic_entities):\n",
" # iterate over the quantization axes\n",
" for i, Gii in enumerate(mag_ent[\"Gii\"]):\n",
" storage = []\n",
" # iterate over the first and second order local perturbations\n",
" for Vu1, Vu2 in zip(mag_ent[\"Vu1\"][i], mag_ent[\"Vu2\"][i]):\n",
3 months ago
" # The Szunyogh-Lichtenstein formula\n",
" traced = np.trace((Vu2 @ Gii + 0.5 * Gii @ Vu1 @ Gii), axis1=1, axis2=2)\n",
3 months ago
" # evaluation of the contour integral\n",
" storage.append(np.trapz(-1 / np.pi * np.imag(traced * cont.we)))\n",
" # fill up the magnetic entities dictionary with the energies\n",
" magnetic_entities[tracker][\"energies\"].append(storage)\n",
" print(\"Magnetic entities integrated.\")\n",
" # iterate over the pairs\n",
" for tracker, pair in enumerate(pairs):\n",
" # iterate over the quantization axes\n",
" for i, (Gij, Gji) in enumerate(zip(pair[\"Gij\"], pair[\"Gji\"])):\n",
" site_i = magnetic_entities[pair[\"ai\"]]\n",
" site_j = magnetic_entities[pair[\"aj\"]]\n",
" storage = []\n",
" # iterate over the first order local perturbations in all possible orientations for the two sites\n",
" for Vui in site_i[\"Vu1\"][i]:\n",
" for Vuj in site_j[\"Vu1\"][i]:\n",
" # The Szunyogh-Lichtenstein formula\n",
" traced = np.trace((Vui @ Gij @ Vuj @ Gji), axis1=1, axis2=2)\n",
" # evaluation of the contour integral\n",
" storage.append(np.trapz(-1 / np.pi * np.imag(traced * cont.we)))\n",
" # fill up the pairs dictionary with the energies\n",
" pairs[tracker][\"energies\"].append(storage)\n",
" print(\"Pairs integrated.\")\n",
" # calculate magnetic parameters\n",
" for pair in pairs:\n",
" J_iso, J_S, D = calculate_exchange_tensor(pair)\n",
" pair[\"J_iso\"] = J_iso * sisl.unit_convert(\"eV\", \"meV\")\n",
" pair[\"J_S\"] = J_S * sisl.unit_convert(\"eV\", \"meV\")\n",
" pair[\"D\"] = D * sisl.unit_convert(\"eV\", \"meV\")\n",
" print(\"Magnetic parameters calculated.\")\n",
" times[\"end_time\"] = timer()\n",
" print(\n",
" \"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\"\n",
" )\n",
" print_parameters(simulation_parameters)\n",
" print_atoms_and_pairs(magnetic_entities, pairs)\n",
" print_runtime_information(times)\n",
" # remove clutter from magnetic entities and pair information\n",
" for pair in pairs:\n",
" del pair[\"Gij\"]\n",
" del pair[\"Gij_tmp\"]\n",
" del pair[\"Gji\"]\n",
" del pair[\"Gji_tmp\"]\n",
" for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:\n",
" del mag_ent[\"Gii\"]\n",
" del mag_ent[\"Gii_tmp\"]\n",
" del mag_ent[\"Vu1\"]\n",
" del mag_ent[\"Vu2\"]\n",
" # create output dictionary with all the relevant data\n",
" results = dict(\n",
" parameters=simulation_parameters,\n",
" magnetic_entities=magnetic_entities,\n",
" pairs=pairs,\n",
" runtime=times,\n",
" )\n",
" # save dictionary\n",
" with open(outfile, \"wb\") as output_file:\n",
" pickle.dump(results, output_file)"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 500\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.367092812942317\n",
"DMI: [-8.89792781e-01 4.16580540e+00 -3.59948517e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.56670448 1.17667365 0.33235705 4.15578143 -0.03089926]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02819042, -0.00085889, 0.00092069, -0.02597706],\n",
" [-0.03690207, -0.00415578, 0.00417583, -0.0339338 ],\n",
" [-0.03160427, -0.00033236, -0.00033235, -0.03122101]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.0339338 , -0.03160427, -0.02819042])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03393379729617979 -0.03122101431812066\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.98944973858333\n",
"DMI: [-6.82212886e+00 1.12891691e+01 5.77778279e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03411109 0.63716653 -0.16031601 10.67952816 -0.32649278]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07435228, -0.00649564, 0.00714862, -0.07459251],\n",
" [-0.07593353, -0.01067953, 0.01189881, -0.07602356],\n",
" [-0.0795701 , 0.00016089, 0.00015974, -0.07975458]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07602356, -0.0795701 , -0.07435228])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07602356083253432 -0.07975458355080561\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 2369.9501148750005 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.17246508400057792 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.904 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.028 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.009 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.212 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 2368.445 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.180 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 50,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid syntax (, line 1)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;36m Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[50], line 1\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m Magnetic entities integrated.\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m invalid syntax\n"
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 100\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.36445059067917\n",
"DMI: [-8.91784089e-01 4.16579134e+00 -3.59901207e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.5685362 1.18301202 0.3323615 4.15576769 -0.02915828]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02818144, -0.00086263, 0.00092094, -0.02597893],\n",
" [-0.03690122, -0.00415577, 0.00417581, -0.03393299],\n",
" [-0.03160383, -0.00033237, -0.00033236, -0.03122058]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.03393299, -0.03160383, -0.02818144])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03393298678958339 -0.031220578858898954\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.99083333178646\n",
"DMI: [-6.82222254e+00 1.12891474e+01 5.95795483e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03214008 0.64046775 -0.16031723 10.67951504 -0.32709547]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07435037, -0.00649513, 0.00714932, -0.07459916],\n",
" [-0.07593293, -0.01067952, 0.01189878, -0.07602297],\n",
" [-0.0795695 , 0.00016091, 0.00015972, -0.07975399]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07602297, -0.0795695 , -0.07435037])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07602297341278706 -0.07975398680085131\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 501.2763705420002 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.12531970899999578 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.888 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.062 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.024 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.245 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 499.875 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.056 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid syntax (, line 1)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;36m Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[40], line 1\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m Magnetic entities integrated.\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m invalid syntax\n"
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 50\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.359042196157713\n",
"DMI: [-8.93813379e-01 4.16574774e+00 -3.59758916e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.57147523 1.18770348 0.33237646 4.15572505 -0.02850636]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02817134, -0.00086531, 0.00092232, -0.02597527],\n",
" [-0.03689861, -0.00415573, 0.00417577, -0.03393052],\n",
" [-0.03160252, -0.00033238, -0.00033237, -0.03121927]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.03393052, -0.03160252, -0.02817134])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03393051742760642 -0.031219274782673133\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.98947011735306\n",
"DMI: [-6.82126017e+00 1.12890803e+01 6.51055432e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03170277 0.64211178 -0.16032097 10.67947464 -0.32714492]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07434736, -0.00649412, 0.00714841, -0.07459988],\n",
" [-0.07593108, -0.01067947, 0.01189869, -0.07602117],\n",
" [-0.07956766, 0.00016097, 0.00015967, -0.07975216]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07602117, -0.07956766, -0.07434736])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07602117288317486 -0.07975215648287909\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -75.04936117965987\n",
"DMI: [ 6.85701206e+00 -1.13051160e+01 6.39732773e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [ -1.05318057 0.68103129 -0.16032 -10.70364791 0.31624841]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07436833, 0.00654076, -0.00717326, -0.07467721],\n",
" [-0.07601601, 0.01070365, -0.01190658, -0.07610254],\n",
" [-0.07956796, 0.00016096, 0.00015968, -0.07975245]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07610254, -0.07956796, -0.07436833])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07610254174486064 -0.07975245001820208\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 261.890385875 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.1216103749998183 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 1.045 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.011 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.006 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.224 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 260.450 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.033 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid syntax (, line 1)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;36m Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[30], line 1\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m Magnetic entities integrated.\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m invalid syntax\n"
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 3000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 50\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.437239263932703\n",
"DMI: [-8.91096571e-01 4.16386016e+00 -3.68076797e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.68204753 1.22980695 0.33079224 4.15200152 -0.03180686]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02820743, -0.00085929, 0.0009229 , -0.025985 ],\n",
" [-0.03707978, -0.004152 , 0.00417572, -0.03411929],\n",
" [-0.03167345, -0.0003308 , -0.00033079, -0.03129215]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.03411929, -0.03167345, -0.02820743])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03411928679618277 -0.03129215156448653\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.98086703681366\n",
"DMI: [-6.81158085e+00 1.13265508e+01 5.68487147e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03582622 0.63764125 -0.15959679 10.72110977 -0.32326625]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07434323, -0.00648831, 0.00713485, -0.07458268],\n",
" [-0.07592777, -0.01072111, 0.01193199, -0.07601669],\n",
" [-0.07959289, 0.00016017, 0.00015903, -0.07977653]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07601669, -0.07959289, -0.07434323])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07601669325607426 -0.07977653333847946\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 808.34989875 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.1594020829999998 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.995 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.021 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.021 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.232 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 806.884 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.037 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 2000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 50\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.313466612791018\n",
"DMI: [-8.85106686e-01 4.16843252e+00 -3.50602459e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.7530289 1.27630805 0.34469396 4.15760367 -0.03005581]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02803716, -0.00085505, 0.00091516, -0.02583675],\n",
" [-0.03702114, -0.0041576 , 0.00417926, -0.0340665 ],\n",
" [-0.03178903, -0.0003447 , -0.00034469, -0.03139132]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.0340665 , -0.03178903, -0.02803716])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03406649551707385 -0.031391324924774755\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.97640334609967\n",
"DMI: [-6.84069197e+00 1.12809486e+01 8.75098125e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03102826 0.63307456 -0.16123618 10.67285449 -0.32447457]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07434333, -0.00651622, 0.00716517, -0.07457845],\n",
" [-0.07591065, -0.01067285, 0.01188904, -0.07600743],\n",
" [-0.07959609, 0.00016211, 0.00016036, -0.07978159]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07600743, -0.07959609, -0.07434333])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07600743160328334 -0.07978158717380361\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 534.5927785000001 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.14542879100008577 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.903 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.016 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.014 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.242 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 533.223 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.050 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid syntax (, line 1)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;36m Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[10], line 1\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m Magnetic entities integrated.\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m invalid syntax\n"
"source": [
"Magnetic entities integrated.\n",
"Pairs integrated.\n",
"Magnetic parameters calculated.\n",
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 1000\n",
"k point directions: x\n",
"Ebot: -13\n",
"Eset: 50\n",
"Esetp: 10000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -29.359042196157713\n",
"DMI: [-8.93813379e-01 4.16574774e+00 -3.59758916e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-4.57147523 1.18770348 0.33237646 4.15572505 -0.02850636]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.02817134, -0.00086531, 0.00092232, -0.02597527],\n",
" [-0.03689861, -0.00415573, 0.00417577, -0.03393052],\n",
" [-0.03160252, -0.00033238, -0.00033237, -0.03121927]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.03393052, -0.03160252, -0.02817134])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.03393051742760642 -0.031219274782673133\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -74.98947011735306\n",
"DMI: [-6.82126017e+00 1.12890803e+01 6.51055432e-04]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-1.03170277 0.64211178 -0.16032097 10.67947464 -0.32714492]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-0.07434736, -0.00649412, 0.00714841, -0.07459988],\n",
" [-0.07593108, -0.01067947, 0.01189869, -0.07602117],\n",
" [-0.07956766, 0.00016097, 0.00015967, -0.07975216]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.07602117, -0.07956766, -0.07434736])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.07602117288317486 -0.07975215648287909\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 272.760337666 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.13726933300000033 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.970 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.013 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.017 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.217 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 271.373 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.034 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"ename": "SyntaxError",
"evalue": "invalid syntax (, line 2)",
"output_type": "error",
"traceback": [
"\u001b[0;36m Cell \u001b[0;32mIn[10], line 2\u001b[0;36m\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31m ================================================================================================================================================================\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0m ^\u001b[0m\n\u001b[0;31mSyntaxError\u001b[0m\u001b[0;31m:\u001b[0m invalid syntax\n"
"source": [
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################\n",
"Input file: \n",
"Not yet specified.\n",
"Output file: \n",
"Number of nodes in the parallel cluster: 1\n",
"Cell [Ang]: \n",
"[[ 3.79100000e+00 0.00000000e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [-1.89550000e+00 3.28310231e+00 0.00000000e+00]\n",
" [ 1.25954923e-15 2.18160327e-15 2.05700000e+01]]\n",
"DFT axis: \n",
"[0 0 1]\n",
"Quantization axis and perpendicular rotation directions:\n",
"[1 0 0] --» [array([0, 1, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 1 0] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 0, 1])]\n",
"[0 0 1] --» [array([1, 0, 0]), array([0, 1, 0])]\n",
"Parameters for the contour integral:\n",
"Number of k points: 20\n",
"k point directions: xy\n",
"Ebot: -15\n",
"Eset: 100\n",
"Esetp: 1000\n",
"Atomic information: \n",
"[atom index]Element(orbitals) x [Ang] y [Ang] z [Ang] Sx Sy Sz Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"[3]Fe(2) -7.339158738013707e-06 4.149278510690423e-06 11.657585837928032\n",
"[4]Fe(2) -7.326987662162937e-06 4.158274523275774e-06 8.912422537596708\n",
"[5]Fe(2) 1.8954667088117545 1.0943913231921656 10.285002698393109\n",
"Exchange [meV]\n",
"Magnetic entity1 Magnetic entity2 [i j k] d [Ang]\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [4]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -63.51146633376187\n",
"DMI: [-9.32966002e-01 -8.89800564e-04 -2.02862680e-06]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [-3.33721683e+00 1.29672703e+00 6.03687008e-04 -8.09695186e-04\n",
" -6.00702131e-06]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-6.22147393e-02, -9.32959995e-04, 9.32972009e-04,\n",
" -6.14709765e-02],\n",
" [-6.75755955e-02, 8.09695186e-07, -9.69905943e-07,\n",
" -6.68486832e-02],\n",
" [-5.36624493e-02, -6.05715634e-07, -6.01658381e-07,\n",
" -5.36632256e-02]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.06684868, -0.05366245, -0.06221474])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.06684868316242108 -0.053663225627735525\n",
"[4]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -60.97776480541008\n",
"DMI: [-3.79946502e+00 6.15248803e+00 3.52644581e-03]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [0.09164177 0.11139034 0.07107136 6.24190815 0.03636875]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-6.08663745e-02, -3.83583377e-03, 3.76309627e-03,\n",
" -6.11807969e-02],\n",
" [-6.06347990e-02, -6.24190815e-03, 6.06306790e-03,\n",
" -6.08861230e-02],\n",
" [-5.98977554e-02, -6.75449092e-05, -7.45978008e-05,\n",
" -5.98154343e-02]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.06088612, -0.05989776, -0.06086637])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.060886123032493376 -0.05981543426889457\n",
"[3]Fe(2) [5]Fe(2) [0 0 0] d [Ang] Not yet.\n",
"Isotropic: -60.9832595805832\n",
"DMI: [ 3.78505688e+00 -6.13845903e+00 3.52688440e-03]\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy: [ 0.08120798 0.11261323 0.07107254 -6.23157554 -0.04249828]\n",
"Energies for debugging: \n",
"array([[-6.08706463e-02, 3.82755516e-03, -3.74255860e-03,\n",
" -6.11770808e-02],\n",
" [-6.06458648e-02, 6.23157554e-03, -6.04534251e-03,\n",
" -6.09020516e-02],\n",
" [-5.98977110e-02, -6.75456589e-05, -7.45994277e-05,\n",
" -5.98153841e-02]])\n",
"J_ii for debugging: (check if this is the same as in calculate_exchange_tensor)\n",
"array([-0.06090205, -0.05989771, -0.06087065])\n",
"Test J_xx = E(y,z) = E(z,y)\n",
"-0.060902051599344476 -0.05981538413498572\n",
"Runtime information: \n",
"Total runtime: 203.083672208 s\n",
"Initial setup: 0.1483790410000001 s\n",
"Hamiltonian conversion and XC field extraction: 0.861 s\n",
"Pair and site datastructure creatrions: 0.017 s\n",
"k set cration and distribution: 0.022 s\n",
"Rotating XC potential: 0.247 s\n",
"Greens function inversion: 201.715 s\n",
"Calculate energies and magnetic components: 0.073 s"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
" \n",
"Atom Angstrom\n",
"# Label, x y z Sx Sy Sz #Q Lx Ly Lz Jx Jy Jz\n",
"Te1 1.8955 1.0943 13.1698 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.1543 # 5.9345 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.0537 -0.0000 0.0000 -0.2080 \n",
"Te2 1.8955 1.0943 7.4002 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.1543 # 5.9345 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.0537 0.0000 -0.0000 -0.2080 \n",
"Ge3 -0.0000 2.1887 10.2850 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1605 # 3.1927 -0.0000 0.0000 0.0012 0.0000 0.0000 -0.1593 \n",
"Fe4 -0.0000 0.0000 11.6576 0.0001 -0.0001 2.0466 # 8.3044 0.0000 -0.0000 0.1606 0.0001 -0.0001 2.2072 \n",
"Fe5 -0.0000 0.0000 8.9124 -0.0001 0.0001 2.0466 # 8.3044 -0.0000 0.0000 0.1606 -0.0001 0.0001 2.2072 \n",
"Fe6 1.8955 1.0944 10.2850 0.0000 0.0000 1.5824 # 8.3296 -0.0000 -0.0000 0.0520 -0.0000 0.0000 1.6344 \n",
" \n",
"Exchange meV\n",
"# at1 at2 i j k # d (Ang)\n",
"Fe4 Fe5 0 0 0 # 2.7452\n",
"Isotropic -82.0854\n",
"DMI 0.12557 -0.00082199 6.9668e-08\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy -0.60237 -0.83842 -0.00032278 -1.2166e-05 -3.3923e-05\n",
"Fe4 Fe6 0 0 0 # 2.5835\n",
"Isotropic -41.9627\n",
"DMI 1.1205 -1.9532 0.0018386\n",
"Symmetric-anisotropy 0.26007 -0.00013243 0.12977 -0.069979 -0.042066\n",
3 months ago
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