@ -29,6 +29,25 @@ tau_z = np.array([[1, 0], [0, -1]])
tau_0 = np.array([[1, 0], [0, 1]])
def commutator(a, b):
"""Shorthand for commutator.
Commutator of two matrices in the mathematical sense.
a : np.array_like
The first matrix
b : np.array_like
The second matrix
The commutator of a and b
return a @ b - b @ a
# define some useful functions
def hsk(H, ss, sc_off, k=(0, 0, 0)):
"""Speed up Hk and Sk generation.
@ -36,14 +55,20 @@ def hsk(H, ss, sc_off, k=(0, 0, 0)):
Calculates the Hamiltonian and the Overlap matrix at a given k point. It is faster that the sisl version.
H (np.array_like): Hamiltonian in spin box form
ss (np.array_like): Overlap matrix in spin box form
sc_off (list): supercell indexes of the Hamiltonian
k (tuple, optional): The k point where the matrices are set up. Defaults to (0, 0, 0).
H : np.array_like
Hamiltonian in spin box form
ss : np.array_like
Overlap matrix in spin box form
sc_off : list
supercell indexes of the Hamiltonian
k : tuple, optional
The k point where the matrices are set up. Defaults to (0, 0, 0)
np.array_like: Hamiltonian at the given k point
np.array_like: Overlap matrix at the given k point
Hamiltonian at the given k point
Overlap matrix at the given k point
# this two conversion lines are from the sisl source
@ -60,46 +85,6 @@ def hsk(H, ss, sc_off, k=(0, 0, 0)):
return HK, SK
def make_contour(emin=-20, emax=0.0, enum=42, p=150):
"""A more sophisticated contour generator.
Calculates the parameters for the complex contour integral.
emin (int, optional): Energy minimum of the contour. Defaults to -20.
emax (float, optional): Energy maximum of the contour. Defaults to 0.0, so the Fermi level.
enum (int, optional): Number of sample points along the contour. Defaults to 42.
p (int, optional): Shape parameter that describes the distribution of the sample points. Defaults to 150.
ccont: ccont
Contains all the information for the contour integral. Should clarify later...
x, wl = roots_legendre(enum)
R = (emax - emin) / 2
z0 = (emax + emin) / 2
y1 = -np.log(1 + np.pi * p)
y2 = 0
y = (y2 - y1) / 2 * x + (y2 + y1) / 2
phi = (np.exp(-y) - 1) / p
ze = z0 + R * np.exp(1j * phi)
we = -(y2 - y1) / 2 * np.exp(-y) / p * 1j * (ze - z0) * wl
# just an empty container class
class ccont:
cont = ccont()
cont.R = R
cont.z0 = z0
cont.ze = ze
cont.we = we
cont.enum = enum
return cont
def make_kset(dirs="xyz", NUMK=20):
"""Simple k-grid generator to sample the Brillouin zone.
@ -110,12 +95,17 @@ def make_kset(dirs="xyz", NUMK=20):
dirs (str, optional): Directions of the k points in the Brillouin zone. They are the three lattice vectors. Defaults to "xyz".
NUMK (int, optional): The number of k points in a direction. Defaults to 20.
dirs : str, optional
Directions of the k points in the Brillouin zone. They are the three lattice vectors. Defaults to "xyz"
NUMK : int, optional
The number of k points in a direction. Defaults to 20
np.array_like: An array of k points that uniformly sample the Brillouin zone in the given directions.
An array of k points that uniformly sample the Brillouin zone in the given directions
# if there is no xyz in dirs return the Gamma point
if not (sum([d in dirs for d in "xyz"])):
return np.array([[0, 0, 0]])
@ -133,19 +123,50 @@ def make_kset(dirs="xyz", NUMK=20):
return kset
def commutator(a, b):
"""Shorthand for commutator.
def make_contour(emin=-20, emax=0.0, enum=42, p=150):
"""A more sophisticated contour generator.
Commutator of two matrices in the mathematical sense.
Calculates the parameters for the complex contour integral. It uses the
Legendre-Gauss quadrature method. It returns a class that contains
the information for the contour integral.
a (np.array_like): The first matrix.
b (np.array_like): The second matrix
emin : int, optional
Energy minimum of the contour. Defaults to -20
emax : float, optional
Energy maximum of the contour. Defaults to 0.0, so the Fermi level
enum : int, optional
Number of sample points along the contour. Defaults to 42
p : int, optional
Shape parameter that describes the distribution of the sample points. Defaults to 150
np.array_like: The commutator of a and b.
Contains all the information for the contour integral
return a @ b - b @ a
x, wl = roots_legendre(enum)
R = (emax - emin) / 2 # radius
z0 = (emax + emin) / 2 # center point
y1 = -np.log(1 + np.pi * p) # lower bound
y2 = 0 # upper bound
y = (y2 - y1) / 2 * x + (y2 + y1) / 2
phi = (np.exp(-y) - 1) / p # angle parameter
ze = z0 + R * np.exp(1j * phi) # complex points for path
we = -(y2 - y1) / 2 * np.exp(-y) / p * 1j * (ze - z0) * wl
# just an empty container class
class ccont:
cont = ccont()
cont.R = R
cont.z0 = z0
cont.ze = ze
cont.we = we
cont.enum = enum
return cont
def tau_u(u):
@ -154,10 +175,12 @@ def tau_u(u):
Returns the vector u in the basis of the Pauli matrices.
u (list or np.array_like): The direction
u : list or np.array_like
The direction
np.array_like: Arbitrary direction in the base of the Pauli matrices.
Arbitrary direction in the base of the Pauli matrices
# u is force to be of unit length
@ -173,10 +196,12 @@ def crossM(u):
It acts as a cross product with vector u.
u (list or np.array_like): The second vector in the cross product
u : list or np.array_like
The second vector in the cross product
np.array_like: The matrix that represents teh cross product with a vector.
The matrix that represents teh cross product with a vector
return np.array([[0, -u[2], u[1]], [u[2], 0, -u[0]], [-u[1], u[0], 0]])
@ -186,12 +211,16 @@ def RotM(theta, u, eps=1e-10):
theta (float): The angle of rotation.
u (np.array_like): The rotation axis.
eps (float, optional): Cutoff for small elements in the resulting matrix. Defaults to 1e-10.
theta : float
The angle of rotation
u : np.array_like
The rotation axis
eps : float, optional
Cutoff for small elements in the resulting matrix. Defaults to 1e-10
np.array_like: The rotation matrix.
The rotation matrix
u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)
@ -213,12 +242,16 @@ def RotMa2b(a, b, eps=1e-10):
Function returns array R such that R @ a = b holds.
a (np.array_like): First vector.
b (np.array_like): Second vector.
eps (float, optional): Cutoff for small elements in the resulting matrix. Defaults to 1e-10.
a : np.array_like
First vector
b : np.array_like
Second vector
eps : float, optional
Cutoff for small elements in the resulting matrix. Defaults to 1e-10
np.array_like: The rotation matrix with the above property.
The rotation matrix with the above property
v = np.cross(a, b)
@ -230,89 +263,42 @@ def RotMa2b(a, b, eps=1e-10):
return M
def spin_tracer(M):
"""Spin tracer utility.
This takes an operator with the orbital-spin sequence:
orbital 1 up,
orbital 1 down,
orbital 2 up,
orbital 2 down,
that is in the SPIN-BOX representation,
and extracts orbital dependent Pauli traces.
def read_siesta_emin(eigfile):
"""It reads the lowest energy level from the siesta run.
It uses the .EIG file from siesta that contains the eigenvalues.
M (np.array_like): Traceble matrix.
eigfile : str
The path to the .EIG file
dict: It contains the traced matrix with "x", "y", "z" and "c".
The energy minimum
M11 = M[0::2, 0::2]
M12 = M[0::2, 1::2]
M21 = M[1::2, 0::2]
M22 = M[1::2, 1::2]
M_o = dict()
M_o["x"] = M12 + M21
M_o["y"] = 1j * (M12 - M21)
M_o["z"] = M11 - M22
M_o["c"] = M11 + M22
return M_o
# read the file
eigs = eigSileSiesta(eigfile).read_data()
def parse_magnetic_entity(dh, atom=None, l=None, **kwargs):
"""Function to define orbital indexes of a given magnetic entity.
dh (sisl.physics.Hamiltonian): Hamiltonian
atom (integer or list of integers, optional): Defining atom (or atoms) in the unit cell forming the magnetic entity. Defaults to None.
l (integer, optional): Defining the angular momentum channel. Defaults to None.
return eigs.min()
list: The orbital indexes of the given magnetic entity.
# case where we deal with more than one atom defining the magnetic entity
if type(atom) == list:
dat = []
for a in atom:
a_orb_idx = dh.geometry.a2o(a, all=True)
if (
type(l) == int
): # if specified we restrict to given l angular momentum channel inside each atom
a_orb_idx = a_orb_idx[[o.l == l for o in dh.geometry.atoms[a].orbitals]]
orbital_indeces = np.hstack(dat)
# case where we deal with a singel atom magnetic entity
elif type(atom) == int:
orbital_indeces = dh.geometry.a2o(atom, all=True)
if (
type(l) == int
): # if specified we restrict to given l angular momentum channel
orbital_indeces = orbital_indeces[
[o.l == l for o in dh.geometry.atoms[atom].orbitals]
return orbital_indeces # numpy array containing integers labeling orbitals associated to a magnetic entity.
def blow_up_orbindx(orb_indices):
Function to blow up orbital indeces to make SPIN BOX indices.
return np.array([[2 * o, 2 * o + 1] for o in orb_indices]).flatten()
def int_de_ke(traced, we):
"""It numerically integrates the traced matrix.
def read_siesta_emin(eigfile):
It is a wrapper from numpy.trapz and it contains the
relevant constants to calculate the energy integral from
equation 93 or 96.
eigfile (_type_): _description_
traced : np.array_like
The trace of a matrix or a matrix product
we : float
The weight of a point on the contour
_type_: _description_
The energy calculated from the integral formula
eigs = eigSileSiesta(eigfile).read_data()
return eigs.min()
return np.trapz(-1 / np.pi * np.imag(traced * we))