restructure code

Daniel Pozsar 4 months ago
parent 0db938aa50
commit 8b05e2db58

@ -142,8 +142,8 @@ def setup_pairs_and_magnetic_entities(
# for every site we have to store 3 Greens function (and the associated _tmp-s) in the 3 reference directions
for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:
parsed = parse_magnetic_entity(dh, **mag_ent) # parse orbital indexes
mag_ent["orbital_indeces"] = parsed
mag_ent["spin_box_indeces"] = blow_up_orbindx(
mag_ent["orbital_indices"] = parsed
mag_ent["spin_box_indices"] = blow_up_orbindx(
) # calculate spin box indexes
# if orbital is not set use all
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ def setup_pairs_and_magnetic_entities(
# calculate size for Greens function generation
spin_box_shape = len(mag_ent["spin_box_indeces"])
spin_box_shape = len(mag_ent["spin_box_indices"])
mag_ent["energies"] = (
@ -205,8 +205,8 @@ def setup_pairs_and_magnetic_entities(
pair["dist"] = np.linalg.norm(xyz_ai - xyz_aj)
# calculate size for Greens function generation
spin_box_shape_i = len(magnetic_entities[pair["ai"]]["spin_box_indeces"])
spin_box_shape_j = len(magnetic_entities[pair["aj"]]["spin_box_indeces"])
spin_box_shape_i = len(magnetic_entities[pair["ai"]]["spin_box_indices"])
spin_box_shape_j = len(magnetic_entities[pair["aj"]]["spin_box_indices"])
pair["tags"] = []
for mag_ent in [magnetic_entities[pair["ai"]], magnetic_entities[pair["aj"]]]:
tag = ""
@ -261,3 +261,31 @@ def setup_pairs_and_magnetic_entities(
return pairs, magnetic_entities
def onsite_projection(matrix, idx1, idx2):
matrix (_type_): _description_
idx (_type_): _description_
_type_: _description_
return matrix[..., idx1, :][..., idx2]
def onsite_projection(matrix, idx):
matrix (_type_): _description_
idx (_type_): _description_
_type_: _description_
return matrix[..., idx, :][..., idx]

@ -17,6 +17,9 @@ default_args = dict(
# parser = ArgumentParser()
@ -101,6 +104,9 @@ def print_parameters(simulation_parameters):
if simulation_parameters["calculate_charge"]:
print("The calculated charge of the Hamiltonian in the quantization axes: ")
def print_atoms_and_pairs(magnetic_entities, pairs):

@ -2,25 +2,16 @@
"cells": [
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"execution_count": 21,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stderr",
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"[Daniels-Air:78400] shmem: mmap: an error occurred while determining whether or not /var/folders/yh/dx7xl94n3g52ts3td8qcxjcc0000gn/T//ompi.Daniels-Air.501/jf.0/412614656/sm_segment.Daniels-Air.501.18980000.0 could be created.\n"
"data": {
"text/plain": [
"execution_count": 1,
"metadata": {},
"output_type": "execute_result"
"source": [
@ -54,7 +45,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 20,
"execution_count": 22,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@ -63,7 +54,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"execution_count": 23,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
@ -116,7 +107,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"execution_count": 24,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@ -149,7 +140,7 @@
"Eset: 300\n",
"Esetp: 1000\n",
"Setup done. Elapsed time: 2.303232 s\n",
"Setup done. Elapsed time: 2435.031293583 s\n",
@ -207,14 +198,14 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 3,
"execution_count": 25,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Hamiltonian and exchange field rotated. Elapsed time: 2.914966208 s\n",
"Hamiltonian and exchange field rotated. Elapsed time: 2435.900105791 s\n",
@ -268,14 +259,14 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 4,
"execution_count": 26,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Site and pair dictionaries created. Elapsed time: 2.944875791 s\n",
"Site and pair dictionaries created. Elapsed time: 2438.737295 s\n",
@ -297,7 +288,7 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 5,
"execution_count": 27,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
@ -311,7 +302,7 @@
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"k set created. Elapsed time: 2.974842875 s\n",
"k set created. Elapsed time: 2441.389173 s\n",
@ -336,14 +327,14 @@
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": 6,
"execution_count": 29,
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [
"name": "stdout",
"output_type": "stream",
"text": [
"Rotations done perpendicular to quantization axis. Elapsed time: 3.253283416 s\n",
"Rotations done perpendicular to quantization axis. Elapsed time: 2460.81759 s\n",

@ -178,9 +178,14 @@ if rank == root_node:
kset = make_kset(
dirs=simulation_parameters["kdirs"], NUMK=simulation_parameters["kset"]
wkset = np.ones(len(kset)) / len(kset) # generate weights for k points
kpcs = np.array_split(kset, size) # split the k points based on MPI size
# generate weights for k points
wkset = np.ones(len(kset)) / len(kset)
# split the k points based on MPI size
kpcs = np.array_split(kset, size)
# use progress bar if available
if tqdm_imported:
kpcs[root_node] = tqdm(kpcs[root_node], desc="k loop")
@ -190,3 +195,237 @@ if rank == root_node:
# this will contain the three Hamiltonian in the
# reference directions needed to calculate the energy
# variations upon rotation
hamiltonians = []
# iterate over the reference directions (quantization axes)
for i, orient in enumerate(simulation_parameters["ref_xcf_orientations"]):
# obtain rotated exchange field and Hamiltonian
R = RotMa2b(simulation_parameters["scf_xcf_orientation"], orient["o"])
rot_XCF = np.einsum("ij,jklm->iklm", R, XCF)
rot_H_XCF = sum(
[np.kron(rot_XCF[i], tau) for i, tau in enumerate([tau_x, tau_y, tau_z])]
rot_H_XCF_uc = rot_H_XCF[uc_in_sc_idx]
# obtain total Hamiltonian with the rotated exchange field
rot_H = hTRS + rot_H_XCF # equation 76
# store the relevant information of the Hamiltonian
hamiltonians.append(dict(orient=orient["o"], H=rot_H))
if simulation_parameters["calculate_charge"]:
hamiltonians[-1]["GS"] = np.zeros(
(simulation_parameters["eset"], rot_H.shape[1], rot_H.shape[2]),
hamiltonians[-1]["GS_tmp"] = np.zeros(
(simulation_parameters["eset"], rot_H.shape[1], rot_H.shape[2]),
# these are the rotations (for now) perpendicular to the quantization axis
for u in orient["vw"]:
# section 2.H
Tu = np.kron(np.eye(NO, dtype=int), tau_u(u))
Vu1, Vu2 = calc_Vu(rot_H_XCF_uc, Tu)
for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:
idx = mag_ent["spin_box_indices"]
# fill up the perturbed potentials (for now) based on the on-site projections
mag_ent["Vu1"][i].append(onsite_projection(Vu1, idx))
mag_ent["Vu2"][i].append(onsite_projection(Vu2, idx))
if rank == root_node:
times["reference_rotations_time"] = timer()
f"Rotations done perpendicular to quantization axis. Elapsed time: {times['reference_rotations_time']} s"
# provide helpful information to estimate the runtime and memory
# requirements of the Greens function calculations
if rank == root_node:
print("Starting matrix inversions.")
print(f"Total number of k points: {kset.shape[0]}")
print(f"Number of energy samples per k point: {simulation_parameters['eset']}")
print(f"Total number of directions: {len(hamiltonians)}")
f"Total number of matrix inversions: {kset.shape[0] * len(hamiltonians) * simulation_parameters['eset']}"
print(f"The shape of the Hamiltonian and the Greens function is {NO}x{NO}={NO*NO}")
# memory is O(64 n**2) for complex matrices
memory_size = getsizeof(hamiltonians[0]["H"].base) / 1024
f"Memory taken by a single Hamiltonian is: {getsizeof(hamiltonians[0]['H'].base) / 1024} KB"
print(f"Expected memory usage per matrix inversion: {memory_size * 32} KB")
f"Expected memory usage per k point for parallel inversion: {memory_size * len(hamiltonians) * simulation_parameters['eset'] * 32} KB"
f"Expected memory usage on root node: {len(np.array_split(kset, size)[0]) * memory_size * len(hamiltonians) * simulation_parameters['eset'] * 32 / 1024} MB"
# MPI barrier
# make energy contour
cont = make_contour(
eran = cont.ze
# sampling the integrand on the contour and the BZ
for k in kpcs[rank]:
# weight of k point in BZ integral
wk = wkset[rank]
# iterate over reference directions
for i, hamiltonian_orientation in enumerate(hamiltonians):
# calculate Hamiltonian and Overlap matrix in a given k point
H = hamiltonian_orientation["H"]
HK, SK = hsk(H, ss, dh.sc_off, k)
if simulation_parameters["parallel_solver_for_Gk"]:
Gk = parallel_Gk(HK, SK, eran, simulation_parameters["eset"])
# solve Greens function sequentially for the energies, because of memory bound
Gk = sequential_GK(HK, SK, eran, simulation_parameters["eset"])
# saving this for total charge
if simulation_parameters["calculate_charge"]:
hamiltonian_orientation["GS_tmp"] += Gk @ SK * wk
# store the Greens function slice of the magnetic entities
for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:
idx = mag_ent["spin_box_indices"]
mag_ent["Gii_tmp"][i] += onsite_projection(Gk, idx) * wk
for pair in pairs:
# add phase shift based on the cell difference
phase = np.exp(1j * 2 * np.pi * k @ pair["Ruc"].T)
# get the pair orbital sizes from the magnetic entities
ai = magnetic_entities[pair["ai"]]["spin_box_indices"]
aj = magnetic_entities[pair["aj"]]["spin_box_indices"]
# store the Greens function slice of the magnetic entities
pair["Gij_tmp"][i] += onsite_projection(Gk, ai, aj) * phase * wk
pair["Gji_tmp"][i] += onsite_projection(Gk, aj, ai) / phase * wk
# summ reduce partial results of mpi nodes
for i in range(len(hamiltonians)):
# for total charge calculation
if simulation_parameters["calculate_charge"]:
comm.Reduce(hamiltonians[i]["GS_tmp"], hamiltonians[i]["GS"], root=root_node)
for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:
comm.Reduce(mag_ent["Gii_tmp"][i], mag_ent["Gii"][i], root=root_node)
for pair in pairs:
comm.Reduce(pair["Gij_tmp"][i], pair["Gij"][i], root=root_node)
comm.Reduce(pair["Gji_tmp"][i], pair["Gji"][i], root=root_node)
if rank == root_node:
times["green_function_inversion_time"] = timer()
f"Calculated Greens functions. Elapsed time: {times['green_function_inversion_time']} s"
if rank == root_node:
# Calculate total charge
if simulation_parameters["calculate_charge"]:
for hamiltonian in hamiltonians:
GS = hamiltonian["GS"]
traced = np.trace((GS), axis1=1, axis2=2)
simulation_parameters["charges"].append(int_de_ke(traced, cont.we))
# iterate over the magnetic entities
for tracker, mag_ent in enumerate(magnetic_entities):
# iterate over the quantization axes
for i, Gii in enumerate(mag_ent["Gii"]):
storage = []
# iterate over the first and second order local perturbations
for Vu1, Vu2 in zip(mag_ent["Vu1"][i], mag_ent["Vu2"][i]):
# The Szunyogh-Lichtenstein formula
traced = np.trace(
(Vu2 @ Gii + 0.5 * Gii @ Vu1 @ Gii), axis1=1, axis2=2
) # this is the on site projection
# evaluation of the contour integral
storage.append(int_de_ke(traced, cont.we))
# fill up the magnetic entities dictionary with the energies
# convert to np array
magnetic_entities[tracker]["energies"] = np.array(
# iterate over the pairs
for tracker, pair in enumerate(pairs):
# iterate over the quantization axes
for i, (Gij, Gji) in enumerate(zip(pair["Gij"], pair["Gji"])):
site_i = magnetic_entities[pair["ai"]]
site_j = magnetic_entities[pair["aj"]]
storage = []
# iterate over the first order local perturbations in all possible orientations for the two sites
for Vui in site_i["Vu1"][i]:
for Vuj in site_j["Vu1"][i]:
# The Szunyogh-Lichtenstein formula
traced = np.trace(
(Vui @ Gij @ Vuj @ Gji), axis1=1, axis2=2
) # this is the on site projection
# evaluation of the contour integral
storage.append(int_de_ke(traced, cont.we))
# fill up the pairs dictionary with the energies
# convert to np array
pairs[tracker]["energies"] = np.array(pairs[tracker]["energies"])
# calculate magnetic parameters
for mag_ent in magnetic_entities:
Kxx, Kyy, Kzz, consistency = calculate_anisotropy_tensor(mag_ent)
mag_ent["K"] = np.array([Kxx, Kyy, Kzz]) * sisl.unit_convert("eV", "meV")
mag_ent["K_consistency"] = consistency
for pair in pairs:
J_iso, J_S, D, J = calculate_exchange_tensor(pair)
pair["J_iso"] = J_iso * sisl.unit_convert("eV", "meV")
pair["J_S"] = J_S * sisl.unit_convert("eV", "meV")
pair["D"] = D * sisl.unit_convert("eV", "meV")
pair["J"] = J * sisl.unit_convert("eV", "meV")
times["end_time"] = timer()
"##################################################################### GROGU OUTPUT #############################################################################"
print_atoms_and_pairs(magnetic_entities, pairs)
pairs, magnetic_entities = remove_clutter_for_save(pairs, magnetic_entities)
# create output dictionary with all the relevant data
results = dict(
save_pickle(simulation_parameters["outfile"], results)
